Our Pregnancy Program includes but is not limited to the treatment of the following conditions:
1. Threatened miscarriage prevention
2. Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, constipation
3. Musculo-skeletal conditions: pelvic pain; pain in the symphysis pubis; rib pain; neck and upper back pain; lower back pain and sciatica; piriformis syndrome; carpal tunnel syndrome; leg cramps and other
4. Urgency, Stress and Urge Urinary Incontinence
5. Fatigue, exhaustion and insomnia
6. Anxiety and Depression in pregnancy
7. Sinusitis and Allergic Rhinitis during pregnancy
Breech Presentation:
Although it has been used for millennia and there is enough science-based research, the sad reality is that there is very little or no information on how the TCM can successfully help rotate a breech presentation fetus. Moxibustion on acupuncture point Bladder 67 is the most popular non-invasive technique used when breech presentation is detected. In our practice we have been able to rotate successfully breech fetuses by the use of proper quantity and quality of moxa. Also, in more complicated cases when there is not enough amniotic fluid, we have been able to increase the amniotic fluid and therefore rotate the fetus through the use of specific acupuncture and moxibustion techniques.
In the Western world, traditionally, many breech babies were born vaginally. This practice changed in 2000 when a large study concluded that C-section was safer for a breech baby than a vaginal delivery. Now, C-sections are scheduled as a routine procedure when breech presentation is detected in the last weeks of pregnancy. The practice of this invasive procedure/surgery could be decreased dramatically if OB-Gynecologists and midwives are educated on the non-invasive and practically risk-free option on TCM moxibustion and acupuncture techniques.
Our Routine Labour Preparation Program starts from the 37th week of gestation and continues until the labour. It includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Preparation and stretching of the pelvic floor muscles in order to prevent tears during vaginal child
- Acupuncture as a routine labour preparation is aimed to ensure that the Qi and Blood, the five emotions and the zangfu organs are in harmony. Our experience shows that women who started their pre-conception care and followed their pregnancy and labour preparation programs experience less complications and are able to deliver vaginally and in many cases without using epidural anaesthetics.
- Partner’s education in acupressure and labour support, education in other non-invasive pain-modulation techniques during labour, including optimal birthing positions, use of pranayama (breathing techniques), obstetric TENS and suspension. Also, we work with an outstanding team of midwifes
and doulas.